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The ladies of St. Augustine's Parkland invite all women of the Edmonton Diocese to a day of visiting and fun on Saturday, September 21.

The day will begin at 9:30 am with coffee and muffins, please bring your favorite mug and a bagged lunch. Beverages will be provided.

The Rev. Kevin Kraglund will lead a service at 10:15 am. Following the service, we will have a mixer activity before breaking for lunch. There will be three activity stations after lunch where you may learn, craft and play. We will end the day with a sing-a-long and be on our way home by 3 pm.

The registration fee for the day is $10 to cover the morning snack, beverages and supplies for the activity stations.

Please submit your registration and payment before September 14. Cheques should be mailed to St. Augustine’s Parkland, 131 Church Road, Spruce Grove AB T7X 2K4. Please mark the envelope with "Attention Helen Steinburg.".

We look forward to renewing old friendships and making some new ones.