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The Cursillo Movement is alive and thriving in our Diocese. After a great weekend, welcome Ultreya and ice cream social, it is time to get down to a bit of business - the Annual General Meeting. Please join us on  Saturday, September 28, at 5:30 pm, at St. Timothy's Anglican Church. We will be serving a light supper of soup, buns, desserts, coffee and tea. The AGM will be quick; Bishop Stephen London will join us to introduce our new Spiritual Director and appoint our new Lay Director and Servant Chair. And, of course, there will be singing and music led by Rev. Barry. Please RVSP to communications chair Janie Seguin at if you will be attending - we would hate to run out of food!
We thank Laureta for her many years as Spiritual Director. The Secretariat positions we are seeking to fill are:

  • Secretary
  • Fourth Day Chair
  • Communications Chair
  • Music Director

If your heart is leading you to become a member of the organizing body (Secretariat) for our Cursillo movement, or you would like more info on any of these positions, please email Janie at

Upcoming events:

  • October Meeting:  Bishop Stephen will be joining us and talking about his trip to Africa.
  • November meeting:  Christmas Dinner