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Join the Anglican Diocese of Edmonton's team for disability and inclusion on Saturday, April 29, at 3 pm, as we workshop a new, accessible family service designed for autistic, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and neurodivergent children, youth and adults. 

The service, to be held at St. Faith's, 11725-93 St NW, Edmonton, will include crafts, music, interactive study of the Gospel and a shared celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Folk of all ages, neurotypes and denominations are welcome here, and creative expressions of individual spirituality are honoured. We will provide allergy-friendly snacks, quiet space for sensory breaks and volunteers to support participants as needed.

We are committed to ensuring the safety and health of all attending so will be taking the following steps in response to the ongoing prevalence of COVID-19:
- masks are not required but are recommended and welcome
- the space will be arranged to allow for social distancing
- hand sanitizer will be available
- if you are feeling unwell, please stay home

RSVPs are required for this first event to ensure we have enough volunteers (and snacks!). Your feedback and impressions will be greatly appreciated as we continue to work towards a truly neurodiversity-affirming community service. Please RSVP on or before April 24 by responding to this invite or emailing Sam at
