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Anna Bubel, the consultant leading the Diocese of Edmonton in our parish engagement process, reports that she has now met with 22 parish communities. You might recall that Anna’s goal is to facilitate discussions, based on parish membership surveys, with all 46 parishes before the end of June. She has been crisscrossing the diocese to meet with people in their parishes. To gain further insight, she is also conducting one-on-one interviews with a select group of leaders.

This initial phase of our strategic planning process will conclude with Anna’s presentation to the 69th Synod in October. Anna’s findings and the Synod’s discussions will form the basis of our diocese’s course of action over the next five years. By enlisting Anna’s help, Bishop Stephen London and the Executive Council are endeavouring to engage all members of our diocesan family. Thank you to everyone who has already taken part, and if you have an opportunity to attend a parish engagement session, please do so!