Please Remember in Your Prayers this Week
Bishop's Itinerary
Please pray for Bishop Stephen London as he serves parishes throughout the diocese and connects with our partners and friends beyond the diocese. God willing, Bishop Stephen will attend the following public meetings, events and services:
For more infomation visit:
With Gratitude and EncouragementIndigenous Ministries Team Member Bids Farewell Tansi Friends. My time working for you in the diocese has come to an end. I want to express my gratitude for your welcome into your church halls, pulpits and study groups to share why we need to continue this reconciliation ministry. I am sure this work will not end and that you will continue to find ways to honour our calling to right relationship with the First Peoples of this good land. I also want to express my gratitude to the clergy and people of the diocese who reached out to me and asked me questions, who encouraged me and who became my friends. I have loved doing this work but I am sure it is not the end. Blessings to you all, Fiona (Brownlee, Aboriginal and Rural Churches Liaison, Diocese of Edmonton) |
The Messenger February 2025News and Events from the Dioceses of Athabasca and Edmonton Download the February 2025 issue of The Messenger, a collection of news and stories from the Dioceses of Athabasca and Edmonton. Click here to receive a print copy of The Messenger or change your subscription address. The Messenger and Anglican Journal are mailed to subscribers for a suggested $15/year donation. For more infomation visit: https://edmonton.anglican.ca/blog/the-messenger-february-2025
Christian Basics Course Coming to a Parish Near You
Retired Anglican priest the Rev. Tim Chesterton is excited to take Christian Basics, a short course about the central Gospel message, on the road. Chesterton is offering this opportunity to every parish in the diocese. For parishes outside the greater Edmonton area, the course will be offered on a weekend (Friday evening plus Saturday morning and afternoon). For parishes in Edmonton and its satellite communities, it can also be presented as four evening sessions over four weeks. There is no charge for the course, but Chesterton asks that his travel costs be reimbursed at the diocesan rate. Also, he will need an estimate of how many people will be attending the course, as this makes a difference to the presentation style. For more infomation visit: https://edmonton.anglican.ca/news/christian-basics-course-coming-to-a-parish-near-you
Church Admin CornerPlanning Your Parish AGM Agenda It’s parish Annual Meeting season!! Not sure what needs to be included in your meeting agenda? The Canons of the Diocese are here to help. As per Canon 5.85, your agenda should include:
Of course, you can add other items for your Annual Meeting but the above list outlines the required items. For more information about the requirements for your Annual Meeting, please refer to Canons 5.84-5.96 found on pages 42 and 43 of the Canons and Constitution document (found HERE). |
Join AFC's 2025 Say Yes! to Kids CampaignRegister by April 1 Registration for the Anglican Foundation of Canada’s (AFC) 5th annual Say Yes! to Kids (SYTK) campaign is now open. The 2025 campaign will launch on Tuesday, April 22 and close on Monday, June 30. All parishes, dioceses and organizations seeking to partner with AFC are asked to register by April 1. For more infomation visit: http://edmonton.anglican.ca/news/join-afcs-2025-say-yes-to-kids-campaign
Induction Service for St. Margaret's RectorWednesday, January 29, 7 pm All are invited to celebrate the induction of the Rev. Aaron Parsall-Myler as rector of St. Margaret's, Edmonton on January 29, at 7 pm. |
The Prayer Course on ZoomWednesday evenings, January 22 to March 19, 7 pm, Zoom St. Columba, Beaumont is offering The Prayer Course on Wednesday evenings until March 19, 2025 (no session on Ash Wednesday, March 5), at 7:00 pm. Offered on Zoom for free, The Prayer Course is for anyone who wants to grow their relationship with God. It's an 8-week journey through the Lord's Prayer led by 24-7 Prayer founder Pete Greig and co-host Poppy Williams. Each session includes a short video, time for small group conversations, and practices to help deepen our prayer lives. REGISTER For more infomation visit: https https://stcolumbabeaumont.ca/events/the-prayer-course-at-st-columba/2025-01-22
Church Outside the Walls ConversationThursday, February 6, 5 pm, Zoom Church Outside the Walls: Past, Present, and Future, a conversation with Archbishop Anne Germond, Archbishop Linda Nicholls and Bishop Victoria Matthews, will be held on Zoom, on Thursday, February 6, 5 pm MST. Register HERE
This panel discussion is presented by the Divinity Associates of Trinity College, Toronto, and is open to all. Questions? Contact trinity.alumni@utoronto.ca
Induction Service for St. Andrew's, Camrose RectorSunday, February 16, 10:30 am All are invited to support the Rev. Christa Eisbrenner, her family, and parishioners of St. Andrew's, Camrose on Sunday, February 16, 10:30 am, when she will be inducted as rector of the parish. |
What's Happening in Your Parish and/or Ministry?we are happy to help spread the word We are happy to share news and pictures, or help promote upcoming events (ie. youth gathering, parish fundraiser, worship service, community outreach, public lecture) in Synod Scene, our weekly e-newsletter to clergy, parishes and subscribers. Please click the link to the form below to tell us about your news and event . Upload a graphic or picture (horizontal / landscape orientation; 1500x784 px), and your event poster (if you have one). Submissions must be received by Tuesday at noon to guarantee their inclusion in the current week's newsletter. Have questions? Email Margaret Glidden, communications@edmonton.anglican.ca; or call 780-439-7344 For more infomation visit:
St. John the Evangelist, Edmonton Seeks Incumbent
The Bishop of Edmonton invites applications for the incumbent of St. John the Evangelist in Edmonton. The closing date is January 31, 2025. St. John the Evangelist (SJE) is a richly diverse and complex community. As one of the largest parishes in the Diocese of Edmonton, it serves a broad multi-generational community that includes a vibrant children’s ministry and a robust youth ministry. The parishioners come from many racial, cultural and economic backgrounds. Read Parish Profile |
Choir Robes to Give Away
St. George’s Anglican Church in Fort Saskatchewan would like to rehome the following items:
If interested, please email the Rev. Regula Brandle, regula@edmonton.anglican.ca |
Sorrento Centre Hiring Summer Youth Staff
Beautiful Sorrento Centre, B.C., is gearing up for a busy summer! The centre is recruiting a dynamic group of young people, ages 16 to 25, to help make this "summer at Sorrento" experience extraordinary. They seek enthusiastic, energetic and motivated individuals for a transformative summer work experience filled with fun, learning, growth and community. Please share the promotional materials with your parish community. Find more information about the job opportunities HERE. For more infomation visit: https://edmonton.anglican.ca/news/sorrento-centre-hiring-summer-youth-staff
Online Daily Offices Prayer Group
Pray the Daily Offices together online, except on Sundays, using the orders in the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) and the Book of Alternative Services (BAS). We are open to using other resources. If praying the Daily Offices, whether you've done it before or not, interests you, please get in touch with Mr. Brad Lindseth CD at brad.lindseth@gmail.com or 780-903-1484 for details and to sign up. |
Not Feeling Well? Please Worship from Home
Cold and flu season is upon us, and COVID persists in all its variations. As we spend more time indoors, it is becoming more difficult to contain germs and protect vulnerable members of our communities. Please remember that a minor infection for one person can develop into a major sickness for someone else. If you are feeling unwell (ie. have a cough, runny nose, sore throat, chest congestion, fever...), please stay home. For more infomation visit: http://edmonton.anglican.ca/news/not-feeling-well-please-worship-from-home
Public Lecture: Interfaith Outreach for Polarized TimesStar of the North Retreat Centre, www.starofthenorth.ca, 780-459-5511 Rabbi Dr. Laura Duhan-Kaplan, Director of Inter-Religious Studies at the Vancouver School of Theology, is giving a public lecture on "Interfaith Outreach for Polarized Times." Rabbi Laura will name some of the divisive issues of our time and share a model of interfaith outreach for working across these divides on Friday, February 21 from 7:00-8:30 pm. Early Registration (by February 1): $25. Register at 780-459-5511 or at www.starofthenorth.ca/interfaith For more infomation visit: