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Good to GREAT! All couples are invited to register for the annual Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend to be held November 1 (evening) to 3. In just one weekend you will learn a powerful and loving communication technique designed to strengthen your marriage and keep it growing through intimate and joyful connection. (Note WWME Weekend is a Partner of the Edmonton Diocese.) Clergy couples are also encouraged to attend. Click here for more info

Registration deadline for the Weekend, held at Providence Renewal Centre (all meals and accommodation included), is this Friday, October 18. Registration and more information at 

Couples have described it as the single best thing they ever did for their marriage. 

“…a thought from the male perspective…I was pretty apprehensive about attending a Weekend.  My thought was, 'Our marriage is just fine, why does Heather think we need this?' But, what I discovered through the Weekend was an openness and closeness between us that I had never imagined possible.  During and ever since, we’re not afraid to sort through any situation that comes along, we deal with it openly and properly.  There is no doubt that this was the single most important thing we have ever done for our marriage!” ~ Garry and Heather Tansem, ME Area Coordinating Couple