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At All Saints’, we believe faith formation is a lifetime experience, beginning at infancy and extending through every stage of our lives, and that intentional practice makes us a better community and better Christians. We believe God does in fact love the world (the entire world) so much that God sent Jesus, and we try to welcome everyone to the feast as Jesus did.

This is an Anglican Cathedral, your Anglican cathedral. Please join us to worship and serve God. We think it could change your life. We know your presence, skills and passion will change ours.

10035–103 Street

Edmonton, AB

T5J 0X5

phone (780) 428-6323
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Church Leadership

Dean and Rector: the Very Rev. Alex Meek
Vicar: the Rev. Ruth Sesink Bott
Assisting Priest: the Rev. Nick Trussell
Office Administrator: RJ Chambers
Music Director: Jeremy Spurgeon
Honorary Deacon: the Rev. John Gee
International Ecumenical Canon: the Rev. Canon Dr. Robin Gibbons
Honorary Canon for Healing and Reconciliation: Fr. Michael Lapsley

Service Times

Sunday Services

8:30 am: Holy Communion (from the Book of Common Prayer)
10:30 am: Parish Eucharist (from the Book of Alternative Services) with choir
7:00 pm: First Sunday of the month – Evensong

Mid-week Service
Thursday at 12:10 pm: Lunchtime Holy Eucharist