Please Remember in Your Prayers this Week
Bishop Celebrates Feast of Baptism of Christ in Beaumont
Bishop Stephen London celebrated the Feast of the Baptism of Christ (January 12, 2025) with St. Columba, Beaumont.
Bishop's Itinerary
Please pray for Bishop Stephen London as he serves parishes throughout the diocese and connects with our partners and friends beyond the diocese. God willing, Bishop Stephen will attend the following public meetings, events and services:
Recognition of Passionate Promoter of Christian and Interfaith UnityMarilyn McClung Memorial Award for Ecumenism Presented to the Rev. Canon Dr. Scott Sharman A member of the Anglican Diocese of Edmonton committed to helping people “discover the wideness and generosity of the grace of God,” was recently awarded the Marilyn McClung Memorial Award in recognition of his outstanding contribution to ecumenism. The Rev. Canon Dr. Scott Sharman, Executive Officer, Canon to the Ordinary and Ecumenical and Interfaith Officer was presented the memorial award in honour of McClung who was a priest in the Edmonton diocese and served as the Anglican representative for the Edmonton and District Council of Churches (EDCC) and its executive. The surprise presentation took place on January 19 at the ecumenical prayer service for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, organized by the EDCC and the Military and Hospitaller Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem, at Providence Renewal Centre.
For more infomation visit:
Christian Basics Course Coming to a Parish Near You
Retired Anglican priest the Rev. Tim Chesterton is excited to take Christian Basics, a short course about the central Gospel message, on the road. Chesterton is offering this opportunity to every parish in the diocese. For parishes outside the greater Edmonton area, the course will be offered on a weekend (Friday evening plus Saturday morning and afternoon). For parishes in Edmonton and its satellite communities, it can also be presented as four evening sessions over four weeks. There is no charge for the course, but Chesterton asks that his travel costs be reimbursed at the diocesan rate. Also, he will need an estimate of how many people will be attending the course, as this makes a difference to the presentation style. For more infomation visit: https://edmonton.anglican.ca/news/christian-basics-course-coming-to-a-parish-near-you
Church Admin CornerA/V Equipment Available for Parish Use Do you need a projector and/or portable projection screen for an event at your parish (such as your Annual Meeting)? If so, you might be able to borrow the diocesan projector and screen. Please visit the Parish Resources page on the diocesan website to access the request form. Once you have submitted the request form. Diocesan staff will reach out and let you know if your request can be fulfilled, based on your needed dates and the dates the equipment is already booked elsewhere. Once the request is approved, you can arrange to pick up and return the equipment to the diocese during regular office hours (Tuesday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm). |
The Prayer Course on ZoomWednesday evenings, January 22 to March 19, 7 pm, Zoom St. Columba, Beaumont is offering The Prayer Course on Wednesday evenings, January 22 to March 19, 2025 (no session on Ash Wednesday, March 5), at 7:00 pm. Offered on Zoom for free, The Prayer Course is for anyone who wants to grow their relationship with God. It's an 8-week journey through the Lord's Prayer led by 24-7 Prayer founder Pete Greig and co-host Poppy Williams. Each session includes a short video, time for small group conversations, and practices to help deepen our prayer lives. REGISTER For more infomation visit: https https://stcolumbabeaumont.ca/events/the-prayer-course-at-st-columba/2025-01-22
Noon-hour Prayer Service for Christian UnityFriday, January 24, 2025 Join St. Mary’s, 5120 49 Ave, Ponoka, this Friday, January 24 during the lunch hour to pray for our Community and Christian Unity. Everyone is welcome. |
This Land - Concert in Celebration of StewardshipSaturday, January 25, St. George's, Edmonton, 7 pm St. George's, 11733 87 Ave NW, Edmonton, invites you to a Concert in Celebration of Stewardship on Saturday, January 25 at 7 pm. Admission is by donation. Items by the Indigenous Artist Market Collective will be available for purchase. POSTER |
Singer Brittany Blommaert will Uplift and InspireSaturday, January 25, 7 pm, Good Shepherd Anglican Church, Edmonton
For more infomation visit:
Community Spaghetti Supper and FarewellSunday, January 26, St. Timothy's, 5 pm The people of St. Timothy's, 8420 145 St. NW, Edmonton, invite you to join us for a Spaghetti Supper on Sunday, January 26, at 5 pm, to mark the Memorial of Timothy and Titus, Companions of St. Paul. There is no admission fee, but donations will be gratefully received. Coincidentally, this will also be the Rev. Clare Stewart's last Sunday in our parish and diocese, and there will be cake as we bid her farewell! POSTER |
Induction Service for St. Margaret's RectorWednesday, January 29, 7 pm All are invited to celebrate the induction of the Rev. Aaron Parsall-Myler as rector of St. Margaret's, Edmonton on January 29, at 7 pm. For more infomation visit: http://edmonton.anglican.ca/events/induction-service-for-st-margarets-rector/2025-01-29
What's Happening in Your Parish and/or Ministry?we are happy to help spread the word We are happy to share news and pictures, or help promote upcoming events (ie. youth gathering, parish fundraiser, worship service, community outreach, public lecture) in Synod Scene, our weekly e-newsletter to clergy, parishes and subscribers. Please click the link to the form below to tell us about your news and event . Upload a graphic or picture (horizontal / landscape orientation; 1500x784 px), and your event poster (if you have one). Submissions must be received by Tuesday at noon to guarantee their inclusion in the current week's newsletter. Have questions? Email Margaret Glidden, communications@edmonton.anglican.ca; or call 780-439-7344 For more infomation visit:
St. John the Evangelist, Edmonton Seeks Incumbent
The Bishop of Edmonton invites applications for the incumbent of St. John the Evangelist in Edmonton. The closing date is January 31, 2025. St. John the Evangelist (SJE) is a richly diverse and complex community. As one of the largest parishes in the Diocese of Edmonton, it serves a broad multi-generational community that includes a vibrant children’s ministry and a robust youth ministry. The parishioners come from many racial, cultural and economic backgrounds. Read Parish Profile |
Online Daily Offices Prayer Group
Pray the Daily Offices together online, except on Sundays, using the orders in the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) and the Book of Alternative Services (BAS). We are open to using other resources. If praying the Daily Offices, whether you've done it before or not, interests you, please get in touch with Mr. Brad Lindseth CD at brad.lindseth@gmail.com or 780-903-1484 for details and to sign up. |
Not Feeling Well? Please Worship from Home
Cold and flu season is upon us, and COVID persists in all its variations. As we spend more time indoors, it is becoming more difficult to contain germs and protect vulnerable members of our communities. Please remember that a minor infection for one person can develop into a major sickness for someone else. If you are feeling unwell (ie. have a cough, runny nose, sore throat, chest congestion, fever...), please stay home. For more infomation visit: http://edmonton.anglican.ca/news/not-feeling-well-please-worship-from-home
The Prairie Centre for Ecumenism Presents"Here Comes Nicaea," January 22 and 23, 2025, Online During the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, all are invited to The de Margerie Lectures on January 22 and 23 at 6 pm. The lectures honouring the late, local ecumenist Fr. Bernard de Margerie, are live-streamed and can be accessed remotely here. Guest lecturer Sandra Beardsall, a noted local ecumenist with a global profile, is coordinating the 2025 World Council of Churches' celebration of the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, and will speak about how that event so long ago still calls Christians to visible unity and a sharing of the apostolic faith.
Public Lecture: Interfaith Outreach for Polarized TimesStar of the North Retreat Centre, www.starofthenorth.ca, 780-459-5511 Rabbi Dr. Laura Duhan-Kaplan, Director of Inter-Religious Studies at the Vancouver School of Theology, is giving a public lecture on "Interfaith Outreach for Polarized Times." Rabbi Laura will name some of the divisive issues of our time and share a model of interfaith outreach for working across these divides on Friday, February 21 from 7:00-8:30 pm. Early Registration (by February 1): $25. Register at 780-459-5511 or at www.starofthenorth.ca/interfaith For more infomation visit: