There’s a place for you in our growing family! Come and meet the living God who forms the heart of our loving community. All ages are welcome, and there’s no dress code. Just come.
Good Shepherd is wheelchair accessible on the main floor. We have assisted listening devices available through a loop system (t-coil), as well as headset system. We will make every effort to accommodate any and all accessibility needs.
T5X 4A8
Rector: the Ven. Jordan Haynie Ware
Honorary Assistants: the Rev. Tom Dean, the Rev. Joanne Webster
Children's and Youth Ministry Coordinator: Natalie Cloutier
Parish Administrator: Lucas Uzum
Sunday: 10:30am in-person and on Zoom
Wednesday Holy Eucharist: 9:00am (in-person only)
Zoom Morning Prayer: Mon, Tues, Fri, 9:00am
Zoom Evening Prayer: Thurs, 7:00pm
Access Zoom services through:
Note: We continue to follow the recommendations and guidelines of the City of Edmonton for mask use and physical distancing.