This event begins with the documentary Audrie & Daisy (currently on Netflix), and concludes with an open talkback, led by the subjects of the film who will be present. It deals with a deeply important subject, and, although heavy, it is handled very well in the presentation. The Diocese of Edmonton along with St. John's invite you to hear this story and be a voice for change alongside them. POSTER
Please note that the documentary is rated 14+. If there uncertainty on the part of parents as to whether their teens attend, we encourage you to view the film on Netflix yourself before you make that decision. Remember too, that this is an event for you regardless of whether your teen attends.
As described on their website, these brave & inspiring young people have taken an experience that was deeply horrifying & personally isolating and they faced the darkness of it to create more light, hope and healing for others.
"we exist to spark CHANGE in the culture by ADDRESSING sexual assault and dating violence starting as EARLY as middle and high school. These survivors (& family) have come together to prevent what happened to them, from happening to anyone else."
For more information/questions, please contact Blake Holt via email at