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Since 2018, people in our diocese have raised funds through an autumn coffee-hour appeal inviting people to give $5 to make a difference in the lives of many of our brothers and sisters living in Burundi.

Last year, $1,210 was raised to purchase medical cards, enabling each cardholder to save  80 per cent of the cost of medical care for a full year. Sadly, this coverage is out of reach for most people living in the Diocese of Buyé. The medical cards were purchased by the Buye diocese and distributed by the Mothers' Union, with the assistance of Bishop Stephen and the Rev. Stephanie London during their visit to Buye diocese in July.

"Throughout September, we encourage each parish to hold a collection dedicated to purchasing medical cards. All funds collected go directly to this worthwhile cause, and there are no administrative fees," said the Rev. Rebecca Harris and the  Rev. Danielle Key who started the initiative 6 years ago.

Please send all donations directly to John Gee, diocesan treasurer, at the Synod Office. Individuals can also donate online through the diocesan website - select "Buye Medical Cards" from the dropdown menu.   BULLETIN INFO | POSTER