On December 1st, 52 Cursillistas attended our Christmas Welcome Ultreya. Included were nine new Cursillistas who attended the November 10-12 weekend.
As Outgoing Lay Director, Brian Richardson expressed his appreciation for his experience as leader and introduced the current Secretariat: new Lay Director, David Holehouse; 4th day Chair, Ted Greenaway; Pre-Cursillo, Elaine Dickie; Secretary, Sandra Arbeau; Palanca, Joyce Farion; Treasurer, Barb Lingelbach; Communications, Gen Ashwell; Spiritual Director, Sheila Hagan-Bloxham.
Barb Lingelbach coordinated a small crew for efficient cleanup in the kitchen. We ended the evening with a prayer circle, with Sheila offering a closing prayer.
Submitted by Gen Ashwell.