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Parish annual meeting season is about one month away (give or take). Now is the time to ask for submissions for your parish’s meeting packet, including all ministry reports. Or, if you are responsible for writing a report, send it to your church office today and save someone the effort of asking you for it.

Set a clear deadline for submissions and set yourself a deadline a few days prior so that you have time to remind people (or to prepare your own materials for submission).

Parish annual meetings must be held before the end of February (unless the Bishop consents to the meeting being held at a different time). Notice for your meeting must be given to the parish at least 10 days prior to the meeting (which must include at least two preceding Sundays), so make sure you have allotted enough time. For wording of your announcement, please refer to the Canon 5.88 – found on pages 42-43 of the Canons (accessible here).