Members of the Diocese of Edmonton Executive Council, elected and appointed representatives from across the diocese, recently took measures to help ensure our church communities are safe spaces for everyone.
Executive Council voted to receive the Safe Church Policy, which will supersede the previous Safe Church document as of April 1, 2025.
The comprehensive, 56-page document, which includes a quick reference guide, was reviewed by several diocesan committees, including the Diocesan Advisory and Response Team (DART), the newly established Policy and Procedures Committee and the Administration and Finance Committee, before being brought to Executive Council.
“I’m grateful for the work of a number of people who are truly passionate about making our churches safe,” says Bishop Stephen London. “Churches on a whole have lost credibility on this issue. It is time for our diocese to lead in this area.”
The Anglican Church of Canada’s process for safeguarding sexual abuse survivors came under scrutiny during the #ACCtoo movement when it was revealed that General Synod failed to protect sexual abuse survivors who were in the process of sharing their experiences with the Anglican Journal. They did so with the understanding that they would remain anonymous. However, a draft of the story was intercepted by the General Secretary and circulated to senior church leaders before removing survivors’ names.
In March 2022, the Council of General Synod (CoGS) issued a statement: “Our hearts break at the harm done to the individuals involved in this matter and the likelihood that actions by the church have reopened old wounds. Our hearts break at the suffering undergone by so many victims of sexual misconduct within the church, both past and present. Their experiences are valid and real… We are truly sorry for these things, and we are fiercely resolved to do better in the future…” (
Subsequently, CoGS asserted that when handling complaints and accusations of sexual misconduct in the church, “individuals affected by sexual or gender-based violence or sexual misconduct must be supported through a clearly defined process.
“CoGS recognizes that much good work has been, and is being, done across the country, on Safe Church policies and practices. But more remains to be done. We can learn from and exchange best practices. We can find ways to support complainants through what is often a complicated and frightening process. We must educate ourselves on victim-centered and trauma-informed approaches. The Council will be seeking clear, firm and concrete ways for the national church to work with provinces and dioceses to these ends…”
Bishop London appointed the Rev. Ruth Sesink Bott as the Edmonton diocese’s first Safe Church Facilitator to oversee the Safe Church program. Sesink Bott was asked to guide Safe Church policy work from the viewpoint that “All persons within our diocese should experience an environment of safety and one that is free from any form of abuse or harassment.”
A Safe Church Council, essentially a rebranding and expansion of the Diocesan Advisory and Response Group, was also appointed by Bishop London to meet regularly to oversee the diocese’s safe church system. The council will convene when the need arises to address complaints of abuse in the church.
A Safe Church Coordinator, currently diocesan administrator RJ Chambers, oversees the diocese’s program to screen staff and volunteers working with vulnerable people in the church.
One of the requirements of the Safe Church Policy is that every parish in the diocese appoint a Safe Church Team.
The Safe Church Policy will be reviewed on March 19, at Clergy Day, and posted on the Safe Church section of the diocesan website: .