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Last weekend, Bishop Stephen London led a prayer service of remembrance with members of St. Mary’s and St. George’s parish and the Jasper community on the grounds of the church (outside the safety fence) which, along with the Jasper United Church and more than 350 homes and businesses, was destroyed by the July 24th wildfire.

“…The service was outside and cold, and 50 people showed up. Parishioners, close ecumenical friends from the United Church, friends, family, other Jasperites and random tourists who just happed to be walking by. In the hardness there was a deep beautiful energy and a connection. This was definitely one of my favourite prayer services of my whole life. A blessing…”

“…There is so much to do over the next five years. But they are going to do it, and I am so glad that we will be a part of it. God walks with you Jasper. Blessings.”

Read more and see more pictures on Bishop Stephen’s Facebook page.