Good Shepherd’s Vacation Bible School was a fun-filled “Blast to the Past!”
We began our amazing week by travelling back in time through the bible to the creation story in Genesis. Then we zoomed ahead to Jonah and the importance of trusting in our Saviour and being ‘fisher for people,” (Matthew 4:19). We stepped out of the bible and into early 20th century Edmonton to visit many amazing churches at Fort Edmonton Park.
We concluded our journey with discussions and activities about what it means to be ever-faithful and ever-trusting Christians in the world today, as we walk together following our Lord’s plan for each of us.
We would like to thank our amazing volunteers, our Leaders-in-Training (who truly exemplified the meaning of being disciples), our congregation, and the entire diocese for being supportive, encouraging, and refreshing avenues of inspiration! We will meet again next summer. Until then, remember: we are all on #TeamJesus! Submitted by Danielle Lepine, parish administrator