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“Why?” you ask, “should I attend a parish engagement session? What benefit is it to me?” If you are reading this news post, either on the diocesan website or in the Synod Scene newsletter, you likely have a connection to or an interest in an Anglican or Full Communion faith community.

And you likely know that the Anglican church across Canada is experiencing transformational change. As it has been said many times before, we are on a new path, and we do not know where God is leading us.

In adapting to change, the leaders of our diocese (Bishop and Executive Council) have asked for input from parishes about their successes and challenges in doing God’s mission. They have contracted Anna Bubel of Another Way Consulting to help us “listen well” by facilitating conversations with every parish in the diocese. The findings will be shared not only with the Bishop and Executive Council, but with the whole diocese through our meeting of Synod in October.

All but 10 of 46 parishes have yet to meet with Anna, and many people have shared that they found the experience to be incredibly meaningful: "Our parish needed this." Only one person expressed that the parish engagement session had been a disappointment.

There are still opportunities for parishes to meet with Anna. If you have not yet done so, please reach out to Jacqui Chesterton ( who is providing administrative support, to schedule a time and encourage others in your congregation to attend. This is your chance to be heard and to help shape the future of Anglican faith in your community.