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In her closing remarks to delegates at General Synod 2023, Archbishop Linda Nicholls, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, and Chair of the Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC) Board of Directors, announced the establishment of the David Phillip Jones, K.C. Preaching Fund in honour of the Anglican Church of Canada’s long-serving Chancellor.

“With these gifts comes our deepest gratitude for your ministry as a chancellor,” said Archbishop Nicholls, “… as a mentor for new chancellors, as a wise confidante of primates and bishops, and a gentle hand at the tiller of navigating the needs of many General Synod gatherings.” 

In addition to serving as Chancellor of the Anglican Church of Canada since 2010, Jones, who is an active member of Holy Trinity Old Strathcona, Edmonton, served as Diocese of Edmonton Chancellor for 15 years, and also as Provincial Chancellor of Rupert’s Land for eight years. 

“The most rewarding part of being a chancellor is getting to know the bishops one serves, and meeting so many wonderful people making such a difference in the Church,” says Jones. “It has been a privilege even though, at times, human resources issues have proved challenging...” 

Jones is married to Anne de Villars and together they run the law practice of de Villars Jones LLP. He is the Conflict of Interest Commissioner for Yukon, Integrity Commissioner for the Northwest Territories, and a Chartered Arbitrator. In 2012, he received the Distinguished Service Award for Legal Scholarship from the Law Society of Alberta and the Alberta Branch of the Canadian Bar Association. His legal wisdom is respected across Canada, and he is considered one of the foremost administrative lawyers in Canada.

Dr. Scott Brubacher, Executive Director, Anglican Foundation of Canada, says the new fund established through the Lewis S. Garnsworthy Memorial Trust, “will increase our capacity to support eligible applicants towards fees for preaching courses and the cost of preaching conferences.” 

“Excellence and passion in preaching (one of the principal functions of the Church), provide nourishment to the whole people of God,” says Jones.

To make a gift to the David Phillip Jones, K.C. Preaching Fund visit