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We are full-on into summer and planning for our 69th Synod to be held in the fall. If you are a Synod delegate or appointee, or simply someone who is curious, please take note of the following:

  • The Rev. Canon Dr. Scott Sharman has written this Prayer to be used in the weeks leading up to the 69th Synod of the Diocese of Edmonton, to be held on Friday, October 18 and Saturday, October 19, 2024:

O God our Creator, you have always sent out your peoples in every age along unfamiliar paths as witnesses to your mercy and love. Each time you have shown us that it is in our faithful steps of journey into the unexpected where you will meet us afresh and anew. Draw near to us now, your church in synod, and walk closely with us as we prepare to travel this stretch of a shifting and uncertain road. Tell us yet again of your Good News for the strivings and longings of this time and place and cause our hearts to burn within us as we remember our call to become the story we tell. Through Christ, in the Spirit, for the life of the world. Amen.

  • He has also prepared a Motions to Synod Primer for submitting actions to be considered by the Synod. Please note: all notices of motion for the 69th Synod should be brought to the attention of the Agenda and Resolutions Committee by September 8.
  • Synod Nominations can be made online by clicking this LINK (read a Description of Elected Positions). The Rev. Clare Stewart is Chair of the Nominating Committee. Nominations will close on September 1

Further information can be found on the Diocese of Edmonton Website. Questions? Please get in touch with the Rev. John Gee, Synod Secretary, at 780-439-7344, or