It’s summer in the diocese but where are the 20 or so youngsters who should be piling onto a school bus with sleeping bags and swimsuits for a week-long adventure of epic canoe trips and forest hikes, campfire songs and stargazing? Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic and ever-changing restrictions made it impossible to organise Base Camp and, like so many other beloved activities, camp has been sidelined until next year.
Still, the impact of camp lives on. Dr. Mark Armstrong, long-time Base Camp Director, received the following Facebook message this week:
Hey, Dr. Mark! Sorry I never managed to make it to the retreat. I’ve been thinking recently about all my amazing years at camp. I met so many amazing people through that camp. Even though, sometimes, I didn’t seem like I was having the best time), I always wanted to come back the next year. I’m too old for it now, but I’ll never forget all the awesome memories from camp, and neither will the friends I brought with me. So, thank you, Dr. Mark, those were some of the best summers of my life. I’m thankful for you and the rest of the crew that made those summers happen.
Campers and camp crew are - like everyone - at home this summer, but ideas and hopes for Base Camp 2021 are brewing, with prayers ascending for all those touched by this ministry.
All pictures taken at Base Camp 2019 at Sir Winston Churchill Provincial Park.