Donations from members of the Edmonton diocese continue to help provide access to healthcare for seniors and clean drinking water for our friends in Buyé diocese.
The Rev. Dominique Ciza says Buyé diocese is working with administrators of the water program in Mwumba county to determine which community will receive the next water spring improvement project.
Additional donations have provided medical cards for seniors in the following parishes: Giteranyi, Kobero, Murama , Murehe, Mubanga, Gatukuza, and Rusengo, respectively linked to: prayer partners from St. Andrew, Camrose; St. Patrick Edmonton; Holy Trinity Riverbend, Edmonton; Holy Trinity, Edson; St. David, Edmonton; St. Saviour's Mission, Wabamum; St. Luke, Edmonton.
In Burundi, a $5 medical card provides seniors with access to healthcare for a year.
You can contribute to either of these projects to improve the holistic wellbeing of our companion partners, by sending a donation to the Diocese of Edmonton Synod Office, 10035-103 St NW, Edmonton AB, T5J 0X5. Please mark “Buyé Diocese” in the memo line.