Please Remember in Your Prayers this Week
Consecration of the 11th Bishop of EdmontonSaturday, September 18, 2021 On the morning of September 18, 2021, the diocese will celebrate the consecration of the Rev. Stephen London as the 11th Bishop of Edmonton. The service will begin at 11:00am at All Saints’ Anglican Cathedral. Metropolitan of the Ecclesiastical Province of Rupert's Land, Archbishop Greg Kerr-Wilson, will officiate and Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, Archbishop Linda Nicholls, will also take part. Details regarding the physical attendance of the congregation are yet to be determined, however the service will be livestreamed through the All Saints’ Cathedral YouTube Channel. |
Installation of Archbishop of Burundi
This Saturday, August 21, the Rt. Rev. Sixbert, Bishop of the Diocese of Buyé, will be installed as Archbishop of Burundi. Executive Secretary of the diocese, the Rev. Dominique Ciza asks for our prayers as they prepare for that event and for Bishop Sixbert and the diocese as they transition into this new season of ministry. |
New Community Water Projects Constructed in Buye Diocese
Work has begun on community projects which will continue to help people in our companion Diocese of Buyé access clean water from natural springs. More than $24,000 (enough for 19 community water projects) was donated by members of the Edmonton diocese as a Farewell Gift for Bishop Jane. For more infomation visit: http://edmonton.anglican.ca/news/new-community-water-projects-constructed-in-buye-diocese
Ribbon Skirt Workshop Held at St. Faith's
The Indigenous Ministry Team of the Edmonton diocese hosted a Ribbon Skirt workshop, on August 14, at St. Faith's Anglican Church. According to Fiona Brownlee, Indigenous and Rural Communities Liaison, Roxanne Tootoosis began the workshop by sharing teachings about the ribbon skirt, explaining why she dedicates her time to teaching others about her craft. Reconciliation begins with learning together and from one another, Brownlee says. After selecting fabrics, each participant was given her ribbons. There was much laughter, conversation, the occasional call-out for help, and smiles of joy as the women worked on their skirts. The next workshop will be held in Frog Lake on August 28. |
Base Camp 2021 Cancelled
Due to low enrollment, we've had to cancel the diocesan Base Camp at Surprise Lake this summer. Stay tuned for details about an exciting program next year! A huge thank you to Dr. Mark and the volunteer team for planning and training for this event. |
Christ Church Garden Concert SeriesWednesday, 7 pm You are invited to the Christ Church, 12116-102 Ave, Edmonton, Garden Concert Series each Wednesday, at 7 pm, through the month of August. Remember to bring your water bottle, chair or blanket to spread out on the lawn. Invite a friend to join you for these free, 45-minute, outdoor concerts. And remember to spread the word! |
Brass Monkey Arts Concerts at HTACThursday, August 19 and Sunday, August 22: check times! Holy Trinity Old Strathcona will be hosting Brass Monkey Arts outdoor Community Concerts. All concerts are free to the public and any donations will be given to the performers. Please bring your own chair or blanket, food and beverages, and please practice safe distancing. Concerts are weather-dependent and are subject to change. Brass Monkey Community Concerts are supported by the Edmonton Arts Council and the City of Edmonton. For more infomation visit: http://edmonton.anglican.ca/events/brass-monkey-arts-concerts-at-htac/2021-07-29
August UltreyaThis Friday, Join Edmonton Cursillo for a Walk Along the River Edmonton Cursillo is heading to Fort Saskatchewan for an outdoor gathering August 20, from 5pm to 9pm. We will gather at the West River Edge Pavilion covered picnic area (with tables, fire pit and restrooms). Carpooling to Fort Sask is encouraged! This will be a wonderful opportunity for us to reconnect and share the bounty and beauty of our river valley. Our program will include a short walk and talk with a local elder and a smudge. If permitted, we'll also have a fire-pit and sing along! POSTER For more information or to register, call Corinna at 780-991-4985 or email at cmkubos@gmail.com |
Blessing of the Backpacks 2021!Sunday, August 29, 2021
Students, families, teachers, and staff are all welcome to attend the service at Good Shepherd Anglican Church, 15495 Castle Downs Rd, on August 29, at 10:30 am, to receive a blessing for the upcoming year. Visit Eventbrite for your free ticket! |
Season of Prisoners' Justice
We all aspire to be our best selves. During the Tokyo Olympics, we watched as athletes from around the world strove to be the greatest of all time (GOAT). But in Matthew 25 - the parable of the sheep and goats - it is not good to be categorized as a goat. As Christians, we are called to be more like sheep - treating the least of our neighbours as if they were Jesus himself. Perhaps the most challenging command in Matthew 25 is the edict to "visit the prisoner." This thought alone can make us uncomfortable and, yet, it is clearly part of our Christian call. Rob Betty, a member of the diocesan Social Justice Committee, recorded a series of reflections on integrating compassion for the incarcerated into our Christian journey. You will meet people who have visited the prisoner and hear how that act changed both the visited and the visitor. Equally important, they will share insight into how we can act justly toward the "least of these." For more infomation visit:
Coming September 1...Season of Creation Podcast Series: the land wants us to live differently here How do we live well on the land? In a five-part podcast series for the 2021 Season of Creation, the Rev. Jonathan Crane of the Edmonton diocese's social justice committee explores the significance of this question for the Church in north-central Alberta as we wrestle with both our Indigenous and ecological history. The title is drawn from a story shared by a Dene elder of his ancestors moving into a different landscape. Their old ways and traditions were no longer applicable, they had to practice a new way of gathering food and keeping communication. The Anglican Church came from a very different place, land, and tradition. What new ways of incarnation do we need to learn and hone in this place? For more infomation visit:
September $5 Coffee Fundraiser
For the past several years, our Diocese has done an outstanding job raising funds for the people of the Buye Diocese to purchase medical cards. Loving our neighbors as ourselves, we can make a difference in the lives of many of our brothers and sisters living in Burundi. Through the month of September, we encourage each parish to take up a collection for the purchase of Buye medical cards. 100% of the monies collected go directly to the purchase of medical cards. There are no administrative fees. Medical coverage is out of reach for most people in the Diocese of Buye. A $5 medical card covers 80% of their costs and will help women in need, and children under the age of 18. Please send all donations directly to Rev. John Gee at the Synod Office. With our heartfelt thanks, Rev. Rebecca Harris and Rev. Danielle Key For more infomation visit:
SSJD Associates' Foundation Day EucharistWednesday, September 8, 11 am You are invited to join the Associates of The Sisterhood of Saint John the Divine (SSJD), in celebrating Foundation Day and the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Ven. Kathy Bowman will preside at the eucharist on Wednesday, September 8, 11 am, at the Anglican Parish of Christ Church, Edmonton, 12116-102 Ave. After the service, please join us in the church garden, or hall (bring your bag lunch and a beverage). Registration is not necessary, however, please indicate your intentions of attending: email maureen.crerar@gmail.com or call (780) 990-9620. Social distancing is required. POSTER On September 8, 1884 our foundress, Mother Hannah, made her life profession the beginning of the Sisterhood of Saint John the Divine. |
Anglican Student Ministry Fall Retreat 2021
Anglican Student Ministry presents The Fall Retreat 2021, August 27-29, Van Es Retreat Centre (51244 Range Road 220, Sherwood Park, AB, T8E 1G9. Cost is $100 (scholarships available). For more info, email the Rev. Heather Liddell, Educational Chaplain. Register Online POSTER |
Further Guidance for Meeting TogetherAs of August 13, 2021 As of August 13, 2021, the bishop-elect and archdeacons of the Edmonton diocese have provided further guidance for parishes meeting together again, in the areas of coffee-hour hosting, community meal programs, and children's ministry. For more infomation visit: http://edmonton.anglican.ca/news/further-guidance-for-meeting-together
Team Anglican Blood and Plasma Donations at 54 Units
As a Partner for Life with Canadian Blood Services, the Anglican Diocese of Edmonton has pledged to donate 100 units of blood in 2021. So far, 54 units of blood and plasma have been donated and we have the rest of the summer ahead to close in on our goal. Thank you to those who donate regularly and, if you've never signed up before, please consider whether this might be the time to do it! Click here to join Team Anglican. Our Partner ID is ANGL696986. To donate blood, call: 1-888-236-6283 or visit Canadian Blood Services. |
Education for Ministry (EfM) Fall Registration Deadline Extended
Do you have questions about your faith? Education for Ministry (EfM) was developed by the School of Theology in Sewanee, Tennessee to provide a mechanism for people to work through their questions. This four-year course of study provides the framework, through reading and discussion (no exams), to connect your faith to your daily life:
Group members and trained mentors will meet via Zoom once a week, September through May, to for an opportunity to articulate their faith and shape it into action. For detailed information about the program and to register for the fall session, go to the EfM Canada website at www.efmcanada.ca. Please email local mentor June Miller for more information. BROCHURE For more infomation visit: http://edmonton.anglican.ca/news/education-for-ministry-efm-fall-registration-deadline-extended
Christ Church is HiringYouth and Children's Ministry If you know someone who might be interested in working at Christ Church this fall please pass along this information to them! We are interested in hiring someone to work in the areas of children's ministry and youth ministry. We are looking for individuals who have experience in these areas, are active followers of Jesus, have strong biblical knowledge and the ability to teach the faith, and who are creative and hard-working. We are open to hiring one individual for each position or someone who can offer ministry in both areas. Please email Rev. Sue (sue@christchurchedm.ca) for more information. For more infomation visit:
Diocese of Edmonton Indigenous Ministries
Contacts: Please see the Indigenous Ministries section of the diocesan website for leaflets, web links and other resources to help you pray and take action for reconciliation. See also the Anglican Church of Canada Reconciliation Toolkit. For more infomation visit: http://www.edmonton.anglican.org/what-we-do/indigenous-ministries
Sacred Teachings, Season 7The Last Word This season of Sacred Teachings is dedicated to Ginny Doctor, former executive producer of the series until her untimely passing. In the final episode of The Season of Ginny, we hear from a few close friends, like Archbishop Mark MacDonald, about what made Ginny so special, what drove her to achieve so much, and what she wanted to leave behind. Thank you for listening. We value your continued support and invite you to join us again for Season 8. For more infomation visit:
Bannock and a Movie - Online
Nukskahtowin, the Indigenous Meeting Place of Athabasca University, invites you to engage with: Freedom Road This story begins over a century ago when the City of Winnipeg diverted the water surrounding the traditional Anishinaabe territory of Shoal Lake 40 First Nation to be used as Winnipeg’s primary water source. Their ancient burial grounds, environment, and ways of life are forever disrupted, and access to opportunities and essential services are severed. Enforced residential schooling and a tainted water supply compound the devastating impact. Community leader and former combat engineer Daryl Redsky sheds light on how generations of complex planning, cultural preservation, and mobilization have led to the current moment and the construction of Freedom Road. The Power of Spirit What happens to a young child who is removed from their home? Seven generations of Canadians know first-hand. Trust was broken, love was lost, and respect was challenged. In this 45 minute documentary, several Indigenous families share their stories about how they attempted to overcome the impact of residential schools. Click below to create a new account or sign in if you have already registered. Please contact Ivy Lalonde with any questions at ivyl@athabascau.ca For more infomation visit:
Worship from Home Schedule and Resources
This page lists online opportunities for worship, learning and virtual community provided weekly by parishes throughout the diocese. For more infomation visit: http://edmonton.anglican.ca/news/worship-from-home-schedule-and-resources
Give Today
In this time of continued uncertainty, the Church, the Body of Christ, remains a loving and connected community. we hope to do all we can to support each other, and the diocese grateful for any and all donations we receive. If you are able, please continue to support the ministries of the Anglican Diocese of Edmonton. You can make a secure online donation through the diocesan website. |
PWRDF Accepting Donations for Haiti Earthquake Relief
PWRDF is accepting donations to respond to the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that rocked the Caribbean nation of Haiti on Saturday morning. Early counts report more than 200 people have died. The epicentre of the quake was about 150 km west of Port-au-Prince, along the same fault lines as the earthquake of 2010 which killed 220,000 people. PWRDF will continue to monitor the situation and stay in contact with its partners to determine the best way to support emergency relief. Please keep the people of Haiti in your prayers. Donations can be made online and designated to our Emergency Response, then indicate Haiti Earthquake in the notes section. You may also call Donor Relations Officer Mike Ziemerink during business hours at 416-822-9083, leave a voicemail toll free at 1-866-308-7973 or send a cheque with a memo “Haiti Earthquake” to 80 Hayden St. Toronto, Ontario, M4Y 3G2. |
AFC to Accept Proposals for Ministry Projects in Support of Children, Youth and Young Adults
Based on the success of its Say Yes! to Kids campaign, the Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC) will be accepting proposals for ministry projects that contribute to the physical, intellectual, emotional, or spiritual well-being of children, youth, or young adults within Canada. Grants for both ongoing and emerging projects will be considered:
Eligible uses of funding include, but are not limited to, administrative expenses, equipment, technical costs, remuneration, honoraria, and food. Proposals will be accepted from September 1 to October 1, 2021. AFC’s Board of Directors will review proposals in November and announce the grant recipients in early December. Proposals submitted in response to this Request for Proposals will not count toward one of the three submissions each diocese is allowed per year.
For more infomation visit:
Palliative Care Public Awareness: Invitation to Share Your Ideas
The Covenant Health Palliative Institute, with funding from the Government of Alberta, is working to raise public awareness of palliative care. Palliative care aims to improve the quality of life for individuals and their families who are faced with a life-threatening illness, but this type of care is sometimes poorly understood. Our goal is to develop educational programs and resources that help Albertans understand and access palliative care for themselves or their loved ones and to build community support for people approaching end of life and their families. We want to hear from you about what kinds of information or education Albertans need on this important topic. With your input, we will be able to better support people who are seriously ill, dying, caregiving, or grieving. As faith communities are often a source of support for individuals and families approaching end of life, your insight is extremely valuable. Please click here to contribute your suggestions in response to the following question: What supports would help you better prepare for end of life, or care for others who are approaching end of life? If you have any questions or would like additional information please contact Mary-Ann Shantz at mary-ann.shantz@covenanthealth.ca or visit www.covenanthealth.ca/innovations/palliative-institute. Thank you for your input! For more infomation visit:
Zoom Conversation: Resilience Through BirthworkSeptember 15, 8 pm Flourishing Foundation has invited the Rev. Lori Calkins, a member of the Edmonton diocese's Indigenous Ministry Team and cultural birth helper, to join Nadia Houle, founder of Indigenous Birth of Alberta, for a conversation about intergenerational resilience through birthwork. They will share about their work providing support for Indigenous families in and around their birthing time from an Indigenous worldview. To attend, please email: contact@flourishingfoundation.org. Registered guests will be provided with a Zoom invitation and link. The ongoing identification of hundreds of unmarked children’s graves on former Indian Residential School sites across what is now called Canada has brought renewed attention to the Indigenous experience of intergenerational trauma caused by the policies, processes, and practices of colonialism. Equally as important as the truth of intergenerational trauma is the power of intergenerational resilience and strength that lives in our Indigenous communities. For more infomation visit:
Grandmothers to Grandmothers Pop-up Fabric Sales
Calling seamstresses, quilters and crafters: the Edmonton Grannies are holding outdoor Pop-up Fabric Sales in Edmonton this summer and fall for the Stephen Lewis Foundation Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign in support of African grandmothers and children orphaned by AIDS. The sales will be held (weather permitting) on Sundays August 22 and September 12, from 10 am to 4 pm, at the Old Strathcona Antique Mall, 10323 78 Ave NW, Edmonton. We have lots of fabric at great prices, as always. Please note: sales will be cash only. |
Contemplative StillnessProvidence Renewal Centre Sign up through Providence Renewal Centre (PRC) to share a time of contemplative stillness with others Wednesday mornings in a virtual gathering titled "Just Silence" (no charge). |
Looking for Alpha Material
Here at the Synod Office, we've had a request for some material for the Alpha Parenting Course. If you have a copy of the DVD that goes with this course that you would be willing to lend, sell or give away, please contact the office at 780-439-7344. |
2022 Church CalendarsAvailable to Order Online Orders for the 2022 Canadian Church Calendar can be made online through the Anglican Church of Canada's e-store at www.anglican.ca/store. The diocese no longer places a bulk order for calendars, as the online system is easy to use and ships directly to the parish or person ordering. Visit the e-store or click here to see a preview of this year's calendar. For more infomation visit: https://anglican.gilmore.ca/en/product/a4ff9c58-9eee-46ba-89c8-8a374dd96430