Please Remember in Your Prayers this Week
Bishop's Itinerary
Please hold Bishop Stephen London in your prayers as he serves parishes throughout the diocese and connects with our partners and friends beyond the diocese. The following event and/or service dates have been scheduled:
a Calling for All
Apply Now for 2024 Co-ed Weekenda way to enrich your Christian life - May 3 to 5, 2024 Have you considered going deeper in your faith by attending a Cursillo Weekend? The weekend runs from Friday evening, May 3 to late Sunday afternoon, May 5. It revolves around a series of talks given by a team of laypeople and clergy. Small group discussions follow the talks. There are times for worship, fellowship, personal reflection, prayer, and song. As a Christian, the weekend is a time for you to be strengthened in your spiritual journey. This weekend is open to all Christians 18 years and older. For more info, e-mail cursilloedmonton@gmail.com | BROCHURE | POSTER
For more infomation visit: http://edmonton.anglican.ca/events/cursillo-weekend--1008/2024-05-03
The Messenger March 2024
The March 2024 issue of The Messenger, a collection of news and stories from the Dioceses of Athabasca and Edmonton, features a story on Executive Council's decision to hire Another Way consultant to help parishes of the Edmonton diocese shape a good future together. The Messenger is published 10 times/year. Please send submissions for the April 2024 edition to anglicanmessenger@gmail.com by March 1. For more infomation visit:
Coldest Night Participants Raise Funds for Mustard Seed and Parkland Food Bank
Two teams from Anglican parishes in the Edmonton diocese joined people across Canada on Saturday, February 24, to walk in a pre-snowstorm Coldest Night of the Year (CNOY) event in support of people and families experiencing hurt, hunger and homelessness in their communities.
Picture Your Parish Here!
RJ has been up to something at the Synod Office. Here he is with our version of a living wall - pictures of mission and ministry in parishes throughout the diocese! We would love to see your parish and/or ministries up on our walls. Upload a good quality picture (min. 1MB, the frames are quite large) and each week we will feature a new photo. Please also include a brief note about when/where the picture was taken, and a description of the subjects and what they are doing. And, of course, everyone is invited to drop by and check out our walls. Just be sure to call ahead. We wouldn't want to miss you. For more infomation visit: http://edmonton.anglican.ca/news/picture-your-parish-here--1528
Morning and Evening Online Prayer
This Lenten season, St. Paul’s, Edmonton invites all to join together online for Morning and Evening Prayer. We pray together on Zoom, each morning (except Thurs and Sun when we meet in person), from 8 to 9 am; and every evening, from 7 to 8 pm. For more infomation visit:
Desert Evening EucharistTuesday evenings, at 7 pm Come and join us in an intentional journey to the cross this Lenten season as we gather on Tuesday evenings, at 7 pm, to celebrate the Eucharist. We will gather, break bread, and spend some quiet reflection time in the desert that has been created in St. Matthew's sanctuary, 125 Larose Dr, St. Albert. Come. Be. |
Come to the DesertWeekdays, Tuesday through Friday, 12 to 1 pm Come and just be! We have learned through reading scripture that Jesus often withdrew from all the crowds around him to pray and to remind himself of his relationship with God and how this needed to come before anything else in life. Every Lenten season, our sanctuary is transformed into a desert. The invitation is open. Come... be. There is no agenda. There is no expectation. There is simply a space that is open and quiet... just for you! St. Matthew's sanctuary, 125 Larose Dr, St. Albert, is open daily, Tuesday to Friday, from 12 to 1 pm. |
Holy Living, Holy Dying Lenten SeriesSaturday mornings, 9:30 am, Good Shepherd, 15495 Castle Downs Rd, Edmonton Holy Living, Holy Dying Lenten Series: During this Lenten season, Good Shepherd Anglican Church, 15495 Castle Downs Road, offers an opportunity to come together, on Saturday mornings, to explore common experiences of living our lives. Through conversation and presentation, we offer the gift of delving into some topics that we sometimes haven’t found the right moment to explore yet. Dementia, Wills, Funeral Home Options and Planning a Celebration of Life Service, Medical Assistance in Dying, Holy Living and Holy Dying - A Good Death. We’ll start each week with coffee and muffins at 9:30 a.m. and conclude at approx. 11:30 a.m. Everyone is welcome! |
World Day of Prayer 2024"I beg you... bear with one another in love" Ephesians 4:1-3 Parishes of the Edmonton diocese will host World Day of Prayer services during the first week of March. The service was written by Christian women of Palestine. Please see below for dates and locations:
Lenten Noon-hour Concert SeriesHoly trinity, 10037–84 Avenue NW, Edmonton Holy Trinity Anglican Church, 10037–84 Avenue NW, invites you to join them over the lunch hour for beautiful music in the contemplative surroundings of their sanctuary.
Prayer Beads WorkshopSaturday, March 9, 10 am to noon, St. George's, Edmonton On Saturday, March 9, at 10 am, St. George's, 11733 87 Ave NW, Edmonton, invites you to come and make a prayer bead necklace as a way to settle deeply into contemplative prayer. Learn about the history of prayer beads and the many beautiful ways they can be used in prayer. $10 donation to cover supplies. Please RSVP to stgeorges@telus.net For more infomation visit:
Lent Quiet Dayled by the Rev. Laureta Blondin - Saturday, March 9, 2024 Take some time in your Lenten journey to spend a day with God as the Rev. Laureta Blondin leads participants through a series of reflections, worship and prayers, pointing us on our journey to the cross and beyond to Jesus’ resurrection. This is a day of common worship and contemplative prayer – an opportunity to personally encounter God and to be spiritually re-filled. POSTER For more infomation visit: http://edmonton.anglican.ca/events/lent-quiet-day/2024-03-09
Sing Together!Temple Beth Ora, 12313 105 Ave NW, Edmonton Kiyanaw (Cree for We Together) is an amateur singing association that is intentionally spiritual. We are Edmontonians of every faith and no faith, every musical background and no musical background, harnessing the spiritual power of singing together to build community. Kiyanaw will sing together one Tuesday a month, at 6 pm, at Temple Beth Ora, 12313 105 Ave NW, Edmonton. This community-building initiative is supported by Good Shepherd, Temple Beth Ora and the Anglican Foundation of Canada. For more infomation visit: https://www.templebethora.org/event-details/sing-with-us-2024-02-27-18-00
Join Bishop Stephen for Ecumenical Youth EventSunday, April 14, 1:30 to 4:30 pm, Trinity Lutheran Church Bishop Stephen London invites youth from the Edmonton diocese to join him at an Ecumenical Youth Event, hosted by the Alberta Synod & the Territories, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. This will be an opportunity for Anglican, Lutheran and Moravian youth to connect over food, games and conversations. The event will be hosted by Trinity Lutheran Church, 10014 81 Ave NW, Edmonton, on Sunday, April 14, from 1:30 to 4:30 pm. Click here to register For more infomation visit:
Save the Date: 69th Synodof the Diocese of Edmonton - October 18 and 19, 2024 We are already on the home stretch of February and parishes have either had or are gearing up for their Annual General Meetings. People's wardens and synod delegates should save the date of October 18 and 19, 2024 for the 69th Synod of the Diocese of Edmonton. Details, including the official notice of synod, will be posted at: https://edmonton.anglican.ca/synod |
What's Happening in Your Parish and/or Ministry?we are happy to help spread the word We are happy to share news and pictures, or help promote upcoming events (ie. youth gathering, parish fundraiser, worship service, community outreach, public lecture) in Synod Scene, our weekly e-newsletter to clergy, parishes and subscribers. Please click the link to the form below to tell us about your news and event . Upload a graphic or picture (horizontal / landscape orientation; 1500x784 px), and your event poster (if you have one). Submissions must be received by Tuesday at noon to guarantee their inclusion in the current week's newsletter. Have questions? Email Margaret Glidden, communications@edmonton.anglican.ca; or call 780-439-7344 For more infomation visit:
Good Shepherd Seeking Part-time Admin
Good Shepherd Anglican Church in northeast Edmonton is hiring a temporary, part-time parish administrator for 15 hours/week, starting on May 1. We seek an enthusiastic, qualified candidate to fill a parental leave. Please see our job posting here, and share it widely with anyone who might be interested in applying. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and we hope to announce a successful candidate by April 3. For more infomation visit: https://www.goodshepanglican.org/news/seeking-a-temporary-part-time-administrator
Donate Blood or Plasmaas a member of Team Anglican Do something extraordinary to get out of the winter rut! Book a blood or plasma donation and join the committed donors making all the difference for patients across the country. No matter what the season, patient need is constant. Your support ensures that patients have access to essential blood products when and where they need them. To book your lifesaving appointment, call 1-888-236-6283 or visit Canadian Blood Services. Check your eligibility, then click here and enter our Partner ID: ANGL696986 to join Team Anglican. You won't just make a difference. You can make all the difference. For more infomation visit:
Not Feeling Well? Please Worship from Home
Cold and flu season is upon us, and COVID persists in all its variations. As we spend more time indoors, it is becoming more difficult to contain germs and protect vulnerable members of our communities. Please remember that a minor infection for one person can develop into a major sickness for someone else. If you are feeling unwell (ie. have a cough, runny nose, sore throat, chest congestion, fever...), please stay home. For more infomation visit: http://edmonton.anglican.ca/news/not-feeling-well-please-worship-from-home
Korora Choir's Stories Concert to Feature Melanie DeMore MusicMarch 2, 2 and 7 pm This spring, join Korora for Stories, Saturday, March 2, at 2 and 7 pm, at West End Christian Reformed Church,10015 149 St NW, Edmonton. Tickets are $25 (Students $20, Children $15). Buy tickets here. Audiences can expect to be moved, both spiritually and physically, when Melanie DeMore, a founding member of Grammy-winning Linda Tillery and the Cultural Heritage Choir, works her magic with the choirs
The Inclusion Journey: From Antiracism Awareness to Empowered ActionStar of the North Retreat Centre, www.starofthenorth.ca, 780-459-5511 The Inclusion Journey: From Antiracism Awareness to Empowered Action is a three-session workshop series dedicated to the exploration of pivotal topics: unmasking bias, navigating intent vs. impact (microaggression) and embracing cultural competence. It is designed to unravel the intricacies of contemporary racism. Join intercultural facilitator and author Maria Drueco for this transformative journey. Three Wednesday evenings, March 6, 13, & 30, from 7:00 - 8:30 pm. Offered In-Person and Online. Early Registration: $90. Register at www.starofthenorth.ca/inclusion or call 780-459-5511. For more infomation visit:
Inspire Inclusion: Celebration of International Women's DayPresented by St. Albert Interfaith Connections St. Albert Interfaith Connections is hosting an International Women's Day celebration on March 8, from 7:30 to 9 pm, at St. Albert Community Hall, 17 Perron Street. RSVP by March 1 to saintalbertinterfaith@gmail.com. For more infomation visit:
Rembrandt's Jesus: Reflections for LentStar of the North Retreat Centre, www.starofthenorth.ca, 780-459-5511 In our walk of life and faith, the timeless art of Rembrandt invites us to explore the light of God as it shines in our dark places. Join art historian and pastor, Tony Maan, author of Rembrandt’s Jesus: Meditations on the Life of Christ for an evening of Lenten reflections and renewal as we journey with Jesus through the eyes of the Dutch master. Thursday, March 14 from 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Early Registration: $20. Register at http://www.starofthenorth.ca/rembrandt or call 780-459-5511. For more infomation visit:
Seeking a Common Word WebinarTuesday, April 16, noon Interested in initiating or continuing Christian-Muslim dialogue in your community? On April 16, at noon, join the Anglican Church of Canada to learn about the origins of the A Common Word initiative, explore local engagement tools and resources, hear stories from people who have used them in their context and engage in discussion. Register today. For more infomation visit: http://edmonton.anglican.ca/events/seeking-a-common-word-webinar/2024-04-16
National Worship Conference
The National Worship Conference, a full-communion initiative of the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada since 2001, will be held in Regina from July 18 to 21. These conferences are wonderful opportunities to explore together in community a particular theme, to hear gifted speakers and to participate in workshops and, of course, worship. For more infomation visit: http://edmonton.anglican.ca/events/national-worship-conference/2024-07-18