Since 2015, the Edmonton diocese has been a member of the Greater Edmonton Alliance (GEA), an alliance of organizations promoting the Common Good. The diocese is facilitating the position of GEA Organizer, which is funded in large part by EndPoverty Edmonton (EPE). For more information, contact community organizer Gary Savard: 

The Greater Edmonton Alliance (GEA) is affiliated with other alliances in Calgary, Vancouver and Victoria through IAF Canada.  IAF Canada, in turn, is part of the larger Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) that was established in 1940 to help working poor people have a greater voice in shaping the destiny of their communities. Canada is part of an IAF region that includes Alliances in New Zealand, Australia, Washington, Oregon, and Montana.  

The affiliates in Vancouver, Victoria, Edmonton and Calgary are all non-profit, non-partisan, multi-issue organizations that unite a diverse group of faith, community and labour organizations. They provide high-quality training to help equip rank and file members to become effective public leaders, build “power with” among their diverse memberships and take strategic action to hold both public and private power holders accountable for their public responsibilities: at city and provincial levels. Backgrounder