Who Are We?
Queerly Beloved is a newly formed working group of the diocesan Social Justice Committee, helping to walk alongside the Diocese and parish communities in meeting Specific Goal #10 of Finding Our Way.
The 68th Synod of the Diocese of Edmonton (Oct 21-22, 2022) also passed two resolutions in support of working towards supporting LGBTQ2SIA+ Anglicans and their families and allies. We look forward to being a resource and support for parishes and individuals in this important work for the Kingdom.
Connecting with Parishes
Parishes known to us to have begun Affirming journeys and/or initiatives:
- Holy Trinity, Old Strathcona Edmonton - http://holytrinity.ab.ca/
- St. Peter's, Westmount Edmonton - http://www.stpetersyeg.org/
- St. Timothy's, Laurier Heights Edmonton - https://www.sttimothy-edm.ca/
- St. Mary's, Bellevue/Highlands Edmonton - http://www.stmarysanglican.ca/
- Queer Beginnings contact: Jordan Giggey
- St. Augustine of Canterbury, Fulton Place Edmonton - http://www.staugustinesedmonton.com/
- St. George's by the U of A, Windsor Park / University of Alberta -
Sharing & Promoting Resources across the Diocese
Queerly Beloved is tasked with connecting resources to communities across our Diocese. Links to resources of Anglican, ecumenical, and secular natures are to be found under the Links tabs on the left side of the page.