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We Believe, In One God
Creator and sustainer of all things, Father of all nations, source of truth and love

In Jesus Christ
God’s only Son, God manifest in the flesh, Our Teacher and Redeemer, The Savior of the World

In the Holy Spirit
God present with us, providing guidance, comfort and strength

In the Church
To unite those who love God in His worship and service

In the Reign of God
As the divine will for human society

In the Family of God
Where, as His children, we all inherit His grace

That we are a people, saved from the power of sin by the grace of God, through His Son, Jesus Christ



125 Larose Drive

St. Albert, AB

T8N 2X7

phone (780) 458-5488
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Church Leadership

Rector: The Ven. Lee Bezanson

Assistant Priest: The Rev. Rebecca Harris

Service Times

Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00 am (BAS) Holy Eucharist
Nursery is provided at the 10:00 am service.

The main floor of St. Matthew’s is wheelchair accessible.