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Background: In 2017, the Our Common Ground ecumenical committee hosted four community gatherings in response to the TRC’s Calls to Action. To keep the fire and dialogue going around reconciliation, the Inner City Pastoral Ministry (ICPM) and Moving Forward with Reconciliation started "Living the 8th Fire," a 9-week small group gathering that follows a curriculum designed from the CBC documentary series 8th Fire.

The curriculum is designed to help restore the 8th Fire vision in the hearts and minds of those who choose to participate in the learning. It is intended that participants, as vessels of hope, will seek out ways to get to know their neighbours.

"Living the 8th Fire" events will be held June 2, October 6, November 3, December 1. For more info, see attached POSTER or email Michelle Nieviadomy, ICPM Oskapewis: