
Luke 24:13-35

The Rt. Rev. Jane Alexander was the virtual guest preacher for the Easter 3 Choral Eucharist livestreamed by Holy Trinity Anglican Church on Sunday, April 26, 2020. From her home, the Bishop of Edmonton preached on the Gospel of Luke 24:13-35 – Christ and the disciples on the road to Emmaus.

“Christ is with us in the everyday parts of our lives…Christ walks with us as a faithful travelling companion whether, or not, we are aware of his presence,” she said.

“I have heard so many incredible stories about where people are seeing glimpses of Christ in this weird time. Have you, like me, been noticing him in new ways? In the care and kindness of medical staff who keep us safe; in the incredible sense of community in our neighbourhoods as we look heads-up into people’s faces and wave, chatter and smile…”

You can watch Bishop Jane’s sermon and the rest of the service on Holy Trinity’s Facebook page.