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The Second Sunday of Easter, April 28, 2019, was a bittersweet occasion for All Saints’ Cathedral as they bid a fond farewell to their rector of nine years, the Very Rev. Neil Gordon, Dean of Edmonton.

Ordained a deacon and priest in 1986, Neil Gordon served in the Edmonton diocese at St. John the Evangelist, Edmonton; St. Matthew’s, St. Albert; St. Matthias, Edmonton; St. Thomas, Sherwood Park. He was appointed Dean of Edmonton and Rector of All Saints’ Cathedral, Edmonton on May 1, 2010.

Neil’s wife Susan Bercov and his parents, as well as many former parishioners, joined the Cathedral’s 10:30 am congregation for his last service. Preaching on the Holy Gospel of John (29:19-31), Neil said there is one message, over three decades in parish ministry, he would like everyone to know: “God loves all of you. God cares deeply about you, more than you probably care about yourselves. When people know God loves them, they are able to go out and do remarkable things.”

Learning to accept God’s love, he said, is the “great gift I’ve received from this place. I prayed for you people, I prayed with you, but I never really prayed for myself.” With the support of the Cathedral community – one member in particular insisted he was going to know that Jesus loved him whether he liked it or not- he was eventually “able to let God heal me and love me.”

Looking around the congregation and seeing familiar faces from his home parish of St. Mary’s, Ponoka; as well as St. John’s, St. Matthias’, St. Matthew’s and St. Thomas’, he said: “Today I feel loved by God. He is absolutely present in this place. I’ve seen His presence in your lives; in the lives of the people we serve and I feel it in my life. Thank you for teaching me a big lesson that I’m still trying to learn. I look forward to growing up now that I’m retired. May God bless all of you.”

A letter from Bishop Jane Alexander was read to the congregation announcing the Ven. Alan Perry as interim priest-in-charge of All Saints’ Cathedral beginning May 1, 2019: “Alan is looking forward to continuing his work here at All Saints’ and I believe that his familiarity will be a comfort to you all during this time of transition,” she wrote.

Following the service, members of the congregation enjoyed a potluck lunch with the Gordon family. Mary-Lou Cleveland presented Neil and Sue with gifts they can enjoy at home with their dog Ellie and on their frequent travels to Los Angeles. Members of the Cathedral made a Book of Gratitude for Neil which included a card inscribed with the following message:

Dear Neil,

You have been a pillar for our All Saints’ Cathedral family.

You have touched our hearts and minds in unique and loving ways.

All of us are grateful for your commitment to our congregation and this church.

You have taught us that we are followers of Jesus, not fans, and that there is a fine line between Heaven and Earth.

You also told us that God has an individual plan for each one of us. All we need to do is listen and follow.

You have led this flock and can bask in the knowledge that we are capable of radical discipleship and outrageous reconciliation. 

It only took nine years!!!!!

Blessings to you and Sue as you begin this new journey,

With much love, blessings and prayers,

All Saints’ Cathedral Congregation  


Photos by Doug Cowan and Margaret Glidden