Bishop Stephen London led the Cursillo Community in a commissioning service for our Cursillo Secretariat on Friday, April 22. He shared an awesome and very inspiring talk. Thirty-eight people joined us for the service at St. Timothy's Anglican Church in Edmonton. It was great to have so many come and support the commissioning service.
After the service, we had coffee and snacks, but the best part was reconnecting with everyone in person after more than two years. It is so refreshing to welcome new members to Cursillo. Just recently Cathy Ponech joined us as Music Director and Jenny Stuart joined us as Registrar/Treasurer. The year is promising to be awesome.
The Cursillo Community served dinner at St. Faith's Anglican Church on Friday, April 29. Eight members came out and together we helped feed more than 90 people. It was a very humbling experience and one that I was happy to be part of. After dinner was served, David Holehouse provided some awesome entertainment playing his guitar and singing.
Our next Cursillo meeting will be May 27 (this is one week later than usual due to the long weekend ). We will meet at Good Shepherd Anglican Church at 15495 Castledowns Road in north Edmonton. More details to follow. Our June Ultreya will be a fun day with the Bishop – stay tuned for more to come on that.
Submitted by Janie Seguin, Communications Chair