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Retired Anglican priest the Rev. Tim Chesterton is excited to take Christian Basics, a short course about the central Gospel message, on the road. Chesterton is offering this opportunity to every parish in the diocese. For parishes outside the greater Edmonton area, the course will be offered on a weekend (Friday evening plus Saturday morning and afternoon). For parishes in Edmonton and its satellite communities, it can also be presented as four evening sessions over four weeks.

There is no charge for the course, but Chesterton asks that his travel costs be reimbursed at the diocesan rate. Also, he will need an estimate of how many people will be attending the course, as this makes a difference to the presentation style.

Christian Basics was originally designed as a four-week inquirers’ course but has also proved very useful in renewing the faith of ordinary Christians and deepening their joy in the good news of Jesus.

The four presentations follow the content of the first four chapters of Chesterton’s book Starting at the Beginning. After a session on the basic timeline of the biblical story, course participants will take a deep dive into the person of Jesus, looking at his life, death and resurrection and what they mean for us today. They will then examine the question, ‘What is the Gospel and how do I respond to it?’ Finally, they will look at the foundational habits that help Christians grow in their faith. These four presentations are supplemented with group discussion times, with opportunities for questions to be asked and considered.

For more information, please contact Tim at