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Through music, artwork, games, crafts and constant motion, 13 campers and 3 Leaders-in-Training connected with God the Creator's gifts of water, air, and food and with each other at Compassion Camp.

“Archdeacon Jordan and the rest of the volunteers did a great job of creating a safe and inclusive camp community,” says Michelle Yee, Parish Administrator at Good Shepherd. Yee helped run the Compassion in Action station where, through a different activity each day, campers were encouraged to think about how they can share and protect the resources “Every Living Thing Needs.” 

She says she enjoyed hearing the children’s discussions as they worked through activities while identifying times when they helped or had been helped by others, as well as ways they could reach out to their neighbours (safely and with the help of a grown-up).

On the last day of camp, held August 28 to September 1, Compassion Campers, from Good Shepherd and St. Augustine of Canterbury, Edmonton, and their friends, joined their neighbours at the Kipnes Centre for Veterans for a friendly game of BINGO.

“Campers particularly enjoyed beginning and ending each day, with music,” says the Ven. Jordan Haynie Ware, rector of Good Shepherd. “We learned a lot of new songs with dancing and hand motions, and taught new campers some old favourites, like ‘My Lighthouse.’ The kids loved running around to celebrate that God's love leads us safe to shore!”

In addition to the Compassion Camp curriculum from Illustrated Ministry, campers had fun in the Castle Downs spray park, playing Minute-to-Win-It games, and walking around Beaumaris Lake to see what creatures find shelter there.  

While driving home at the end of Compassion Camp, Yee overheard a discussion between her son and his friend:

"I think this was the best camp I went to this summer, what about you? Out of 10 what would you rate it?" one of the boys asked.
"Well, we didn't play water polo, so I guess like a 6 out of 10 for me," said the other.
"What? Are you serious? This camp was a 10 out of 10! We did so many things together, it was great!"
"Yeah, it was great. I had a lot of fun; water polo is still the best though, bro."