The staff and congregation at Good Shepherd Anglican Church in Edmonton have been working hard to spread positivity and hope in our community. We believe small, consistent acts of kindness and compassion can help rebuild connection and help people overcome the sense of isolation and frustration they have felt during the pandemic.
We have worked together to learn how to connect online, through live Zoom worship services, and our study of the Book of Acts, on Zoom. We have also incorporated safety measures so people can worship in–person with us and know we value their safety. We welcome families of all shapes and sizes. It is truly an honour to be able to host safe, socially distanced services and blessings that invite our parish and larger community to hold close the warm glow of the Lord’s love.
This fall, our rector the Ven. Jordan Haynie Ware blessed school supplies for students, beloved pets on the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi; even garden rocks, which our youth painted to represent giving their worries and prayers to God!
We also believe that truth and reconciliation are an integral part of rebuilding trust and faith within our church. This is our second year hosting an Anti-Racism Book Club on behalf of the Edmonton diocese. This program was so well received we now have two groups: a Foundations group that will meet four times throughout the year to begin learning how to be anti-racist, and the brand-new Building on Foundations group, who met for the first time in late September to deepen and expand the practices they developed last year. This book club is hosted online and invites participation from anyone interested in reading and learning the stories of BIPOC individuals.
Good Shepherd endeavours to be a hub of safety, inclusion and support within our local community. We have many outreach programs and initiatives, from collecting school supplies for our nearby elementary school, to a new partnership with The Mustard Seed, which will allow us to support several families with pre-made frozen meals. Our parish is committed to strengthening the heartbeat of Castle Downs in Edmonton.
Submitted by Michelle Yee, Parish Administrator