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The Anglican Diocese of Edmonton celebrated the ordination of two deacons and the installation of its chancellor on Pentecost Sunday, May 19, 2024, at All Saints’ Anglican Cathedral in Edmonton.

Helen Chan Bennett and Christa Eisbrenner were ordained as deacons by the Rt. Rev. Nigel Shaw and the Rt. Rev. Stephen London, respectively.

Chan Bennett was presented for ordination in the Anglican Military Ordinariate of Canada by the Ven. Jonathan Crane, the Rev. Canon Anne Wightman and Peter Wightman. A military chaplain based in the Diocese of Edmonton and an active member of St. Augustine’s of Canterbury parish, Chan Bennett was ordained by Shaw, Bishop Ordinary of the Anglican Military Ordinariate.

Eisbrenner was presented for ordination by Archdeacon Jonathan Crane, Jason Eisbrenner and Carol Potratz. A member of Immanuel Anglican Church in Wetaskiwin, Eisbrenner has most recently served at All Saints’ Cathedral alongside the Very Rev. Alex Meek.

Mr. Robert Reynolds, K.C. was installed as Chancellor and an Officer of the Synod of the Diocese of Edmonton. He was seated in the cathedral chancel by the Very Rev. Alex Meek, Dean of Edmonton and Rector of All Saints’ Cathedral.

In his homily, Bishop London said Helen and Christa both came to their positions of leadership within the Anglican Church via other Christian denominations and have reminded him of the “most beautiful aspects of our church.”

Preaching on the great feast of Pentecost, the birthdate of the church, the day God poured the Holy Spirit on all people, London said, “The Spirit of God is continually renewing the church, blowing through at key moments in our history to bring forth new faithful movement of Gospel ministry…

“…The Holy Spirit didn’t immediately answer all the questions the apostles and early believers were faced with. The Spirit walked with the church as they discerned a new way in the face of new questions…

“Deacons are called to be servant leaders, to do their service in public in a role of leadership in such a way that encourages the servant ministry of all of us…,” said Bishop London.

“You have come to this place because you believe in the inclusive love of God for all people. Now we ordain you and ask you to lead us in this ministry.”

Read about the faith journeys of the Rev. Helen Chan Bennett, the Rev. Christa Eisbrenner and Mr. Rob Reynolds, K.C. in the September issue of The Messenger.

Special thanks to Sarah London for providing the ordination and installation service photos. Group photo by Darlene Niederhaus