Cold and flu season is upon us, and COVID persists in all its variations. As we spend more time indoors, it is becoming more difficult to contain germs and protect vulnerable members of our communities. Please remember that a minor infection for one person can develop into a major sickness for someone else. If you are feeling unwell (ie. have a cough, runny nose, sore throat, chest congestion, fever...), please stay home.
Worried about missing worship? Don't be! There are plenty of options for worshipping online with a parish community in the Edmonton diocese. See the list below for some suggestions:
Service and Prayer Live-streams and Videos
- Good Shepherd, Edmonton, Sunday, 10:30 am, live-streamed on Zoom
- St. Thomas', Sherwood Park, Sunday, 8 and 10 am, Facebook, YouTube
- St. Paul's, Edmonton, Sunday 10 am, YouTube; Daily Morning Prayer, Mon to Sat, 8 am, on Zoom
- St. Paul's, Leduc, Sunday, 10 am, live-streamed on Facebook
- St. David's, Edmonton, Sunday, 10 am, YouTube
- St. Luke's, Edmonton, Sunday, 10 am, live-streamed on Zoom
- Christ Church, Edmonton, Sunday, 10 am, live-streamed on YouTube
- St. Augustine's of Canterbury, Edmonton, Sunday, 10 am, live-streamed on Facebook
- St. Augustine's Parkland, Spruce Grove, Sunday, 10 am, live-streamed on YouTube
- St. Matthew's, St. Albert, Eucharist, Sunday, 10 am,live-streamed on Facebook
- Immanuel, Wetaskiwin, Morning Prayer, Sunday, 10:00 am, Facebook
- St. George's, Devon, Sunday, 10 am, Facebook
- St. Patrick's, Edmonton, Sunday, 10 am, visit St. Patrick's YouTube Channel
- St. Mary's, Edmonton, Morning Prayer, Sunday, 10:30 am, via Zoom
- St. Margaret's, Edmonton, Sunday Service (summer hours): 10 am, in-person and live-streamed on Facebook
- Holy Trinity in Old Strathcona, Edmonton, Sunday, 10:30 am, Eucharist live-streamed on Facebook
- All Saints' Cathedral, Edmonton, Sunday, 10:30 am, YouTube
- St. Faith's, Edmonton, Sunday, 11:00 am, in-person and live-streamed on Facebook
- St. Matthias', Edmonton, Sunday, 10 am service recorded and posted weekly on YouTube
- St. George by the U of A, Edmonton, Sunday 10 am on Zoom
- All Saints', Drayton Valley, 10:30 am, Facebook
- St. Timothy's, Edmonton, Sunday, 10 am, YouTube
- St. John the Evangelist, Edmonton, Sunday 9:30 or 10 am, YouTube
- St. Thomas', Wainwright and St. Mary's, Edgerton, Gospel on the G and Church at Home with Rachael, YouTube
- St. Andrew's, Camrose, weekly Sunday liturgy, 10:30 am, live-streamed on Zoom. The recording is posted to YouTube
- St. Peter's, Edmonton, Sunday, 10:30 am, Facebook
For Kids
- Anglican Foundation of Canada, Dear God: Prayers for young children
- The Children Live In Christ's Kingdom (CLICK) Bible Camp curriculum, offered by On Eagle's Wings, is full of Bible stories, crafts, games, colouring, puzzles, skits and more!
- Illustrated Ministry is offering free, printable Sunday school activities
- The Virtual Church School Sunday School curriculum is a wealth of online resources, craft ideas and prayers
- Talking to Kids Spiritual Resource
- Creativity and Learning Online Resources
- St. John the Evangelist, Edmonton videos, website
- Worship Workshop - Church of England resources for building better worship
- Diocese of Montreal - Resources for Sunday School Leaders on Engaging with Children and Youth Online
Additional Resources