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St. Andrew's seeks to: Proclaim the Gospel - Make Disciples - Further the Kingdom.

We, by God's grace, are a community of Christians, a family of faith, worshiping together, growing and learning, humbly following in the steps of Jesus, sharing through the Holy Spirit his love with others in our everyday lives.

Steeped in the Anglican tradition, we are within the Diocese of Edmonton, where we intentionally live out the “Marks of Mission”. As People of God we are involved in activities that nourish our faith such as weekly worship services, Christian education, Sunday school, Christian meditation and a prayer shawl ministry. We reach out to others in Jesus' name through community projects such as Meals-on-Wheels, a weekly Soup Kitchen and visiting of those who are shut-in or in hospital.  Internationally, we are privilege to be involved in the support of our sister diocese of Buye’ in Burundi, as well as other charitable and prayerful initiatives that are linked to our diocesan, national Church and to the world wide Anglican Communion.

4713 – 50 Street

Camrose, AB

T4V 1P2

phone (780) 672-3565
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Church Leadership

Rector: The Rev. Christa Eisbrenner

Service Times

Sunday: 10:30 am Eucharist (BAS), with Sunday School. In-person, as well as Zooming live. The recording is posted to YouTube.

The church building is wheelchair accessible.
