Bishop Jane and her assistant Jennifer Wirun took our companion Diocese of Buyé visitors Bishop Sixbert and Clotilde on a rural road...
Has Cursillo been a blessing in your life? You can help ensure other Christians have an opportunity to experience Cursillo in our...
For 10 days every August, an extensive network of community-builders from the three congregations at Holy Trinity Anglican Church...
Lasagna, Caesar salad and flu shots were on the menu at Auggie’s Cafe in Spruce Grove on Tuesday. One hundred and thirty guests,...
Do you have a new PWRDF Parish Representative or Outreach Committee members who want to learn more about PWRDF? Are you looking to...
The Fringe Festival is returning to Holy Trinity, Old Strathcona in the summer of 2022! We are actively looking for anyone who feels...
Jennifer Rees, a new volunteer for the All Saints’ Cathedral Breakfast Program (starting in October), dropped by Wednesday morning with...
Volunteers led by Jennifer Rees and Darlene and Randy Niederhaus prepared an Outreach Christmas Luncheon featuring a turkey dinner with...
Erin de Zwart, a French Language and Canadian Studies student at the University of Alberta is coordinating a community project to tidy...
The PrayerWorks community meal program is looking for 4 to 6 volunteers on the following Fridays to prepare a meal for 150 people:...