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The National Worship Conference, a full-communion initiative of the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada since 2001, will be held in Regina from July 18 to 21. These conferences are wonderful opportunities to explore together in community a particular theme, to hear gifted speakers and to participate in workshops and, of course, worship. 

From the planning committee: "Our expressions of worship come with the richness of faith communities seeking to articulate their relationships with God. At the same time, the same faith-filled liturgies are embedded with the language and expressions of empire; these biases continue to exclude voices from the margins. 

How can our churches create liturgies that make space for these voices? How can we confront empire in the way we pray, sing, preach and celebrate the sacraments? What does it mean to decolonize liturgy on Turtle Island in light of the call to the churches to live into our responsibilities in light of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action? 

... This conference aims to build an awareness of decolonial approaches to worship and even to begin to decolonize the worship conference itself through a slightly different format. 

Join our panel of speakers and worship resource people to discover ways to begin this work together."




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