What kind of people are we looking for:
There is not a “one size fits all” personality profile for evangelists; they do not all have to be bubbly extroverts! But we can say in general that we are looking for people who:
- Have an ongoing story of personal faith in Christ.
- Have good devotional habits and are growing toward Christian maturity.
- Believe that God wants people who are not yet followers of Jesus to turn to faith and Christian discipleship through the ministry of the whole people of God.
- Have a sense of excitement about being part of that process (even if it scares them too!).
- Have already been involved in some sort of outreach ministry with the parish and/or beyond, preferably including some experience of sharing their faith story with others.
- Love people, enjoy conversation, and don’t spend all their time in a Christian ‘bubble’.
- Enjoy thinking outside the box, trying new things, taking risks, and stepping out in faith.
Process (N.B.: sometimes the order of the steps varies!)
- Parish makes the “Lay Evangelists in the Diocese of Edmonton” leaflet available, and/or directs people’s attention to materials on the diocesan website and the “Lay Evangelists in the Diocese of Edmonton” Facebook page.
- Clergy and parish leaders take the initiative in approaching potential candidates for evangelistic ministry and talking to them about the program.
- Potential candidates have a conversation with their rector (the Warden of Lay Evangelists is also available for exploratory conversations, face-to-face or via Zoom/Facetime).
- Warden of Lay Evangelists meets with vestry to explain what the program is all about, answer questions, etc.
- Candidate fills out application form.
- Rector and vestry endorse candidate’s application and forward it to Warden of Lay Evangelists.
- Warden of Lay Evangelists has a formal interview with the candidate to ascertain their suitability for training.
- Successful candidates are enrolled as Evangelists-in-Training and begin the formation program.