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Many people in today’s world have at best a "photo album" impression of the Christian faith: lots of snapshots and highlights, but no overview of the whole Christian story and how we are invited to participate in it.

Starting at the Beginning is written to give that overview. What is the big story the Bible tells? Who is Jesus, and why is he important? Why is the Christian message called ‘the good news’? How can I become a Christian, and how can I grow in my faith? What does daily Christian living actually look like, in terms of prayer and Bible reading, participating in the church, learning the way of love and generosity, and making a difference in the world?

First published in 2004, Starting at the Beginning has now been extensively revised and updated. It will be useful to those who are curious about Christianity, to new Christians wanting a secure grounding in their faith, and to churches and individuals looking for a resource to help them share the good news with others.

Copies can be ordered from the Canadian Amazon store at Tim will be away for a few weeks, but when he returns on June 19 he will also be ordering copies of the book for sale locally.

Judy Paulsen, Wycliffe College Institute of Evangelism, has this to say about the book:

“If there is someone in your life who you would like to introduce to Jesus, this book will help you do so. Buy two copies and give one to your friend. Then, meet with them weekly to read it through chapter by chapter, as you explore together what it means to become a Christian and then live as a follower of Jesus. The sound biblical and theological teaching it offers is shared in language people today will understand. The personal anecdotes, metaphors, and examples peppered across its pages will help bring these teachings further to life. It is simply a wonderful gift, both to those wanting to share the Christian faith and to those wanting to explore it.”