Please Remember in Your Prayers this Week
Bishop's Itinerary
Please pray for Bishop Stephen London as he serves parishes throughout the diocese and connects with our partners and friends beyond the diocese. God willing, Bishop Stephen will attend the following services over Christmas:
Diocesan AppointmentInterim Deacon in Charge, St. George's, Edmonton Bishop Stephen London is pleased to appoint the Rev. Jordan Giggey as Interim Deacon in Charge of the parish of St. George's, Edmonton effective January 1, 2025. |
Diocesan AppointmentInterim Priest in Charge, St. Patrick's, Whitecourt Bishop Stephen London is pleased to appoint the Rev. Johnny Pooten as Interim Priest in Charge at St. Patrick's, Whitecourt, effective January 1, 2025, and Rector at Holy Trinity, Edson. |
Mary's Baby Shower Brings Gifts for Moms
The parish of St. Thomas, Sherwood Park held a Baby Shower for Mary (the mother of Jesus), on Sunday, December 22. Guests were invited to bring gifts of diapers, formula, baby wipes, baby clothes and blankets for the mothers and expectant mothers who reside at A Safe Place in Sherwood Park. An outpouring of love and generosity filled two truckloads of baby items delivered to A Safe Place the next day. We hope that these items will be of benefit to moms, moms-to-be and their children who fled their homes as a result of domestic violence. |
Christmas Greetings from Global Family
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ from the Diocese of Edmonton, Christmas greetings. As we approach Christmas and prepare to celebrate the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, let us reflect on His love, humility, and sacrifice, which unite us as one global family. I wish you and your loved ones a blessed Christmas and a New Year 2025 filled with God’s grace and abundant blessings! I am cordially sharing a Christmas card with you. Blessings, the Rev. Canon Dominique Ciza, Diocesan Secretary |
Merry Christmas to You and Yours!
The Messenger January 2025
Joy to the world! Christmas is upon us, meaning it must be time for the January issue of The Messenger. Read about planning for a vibrant, sustainable future, the 2025 Edmonton diocesan budget, spreading the good news in Ft. Vermilion and more.
Church Admin CornerReceiving and Receipting Gifts for the Church At Christmas, we often think about gifts and giving. When receiving gifts for the church, we also need to think about tax receipts and what is and is not receipted.
Revive 2025Beginning Tuesday, January 14, 7 to 9 pm
Registration is now open for the next offering of the Revive discipleship program. The Revive program is offered at no charge to all who are interested. You may register to participate in person or online, Tuesday evenings, from 7 to 9 pm. Download Participant Guidebook For more infomation visit:
What's Happening in Your Parish and/or Ministry?we are happy to help spread the word We are happy to share news and pictures, or help promote upcoming events (ie. youth gathering, parish fundraiser, worship service, community outreach, public lecture) in Synod Scene, our weekly e-newsletter to clergy, parishes and subscribers. Please click the link to the form below to tell us about your news and event . Upload a graphic or picture (horizontal / landscape orientation; 1500x784 px), and your event poster (if you have one). Submissions must be received by Tuesday at noon to guarantee their inclusion in the current week's newsletter. Have questions? Email Margaret Glidden, communications@edmonton.anglican.ca; or call 780-439-7344 For more infomation visit:
St. John the Evangelist, Edmonton Seeks Incumbent
The Bishop of Edmonton invites applications for the incumbent of St. John the Evangelist in Edmonton. The closing date is January 31, 2025. St. John the Evangelist (SJE) is a richly diverse and complex community. As one of the largest parishes in the Diocese of Edmonton, it serves a broad multi-generational community that includes a vibrant children’s ministry and a robust youth ministry. The parishioners come from many racial, cultural and economic backgrounds. Read Parish Profile |
Thank You, Team Anglican!
Thank you, Team Anglican donors for helping us reach and exceed our 2024 goal of 130 blood and plasma donations - we are at 178! Making time to donate blood or plasma is a selfless act that can help save another person's life. Holidays tend to be a slow time for donations. If you have time, please consider booking an appointment. Most donor clinics have holiday hours. We hope to keep growing our team and you can join us with a few simple steps. To book a life-giving appointment, call 1-888-236-6283 or visit Canadian Blood Services. Check your eligibility, then click here and enter our Partner ID: ANGL696986. You won't just make a difference. You can make all the difference. |
Anglican Partners Seeking Support
As the Canada Post strike continues to impact charitable appeals across Canada, the Anglican Church of Canada philanthropic partners—the Anglican Foundation of Canada, Giving with Grace, and The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (Alongside Hope)—have produced a downloadable church bulletin that parishes can use in their weekly communications. BULLETIN |
Online Daily Offices Prayer Group
Pray the Daily Offices together online, except on Sundays, using the orders in the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) and the Book of Alternative Services (BAS). We are open to using other resources. If praying the Daily Offices, whether you've done it before or not, interests you, please get in touch with Mr. Brad Lindseth CD at brad.lindseth@gmail.com or 780-903-1484 for details and to sign up. |
Not Feeling Well? Please Worship from Home
Cold and flu season is upon us, and COVID persists in all its variations. As we spend more time indoors, it is becoming more difficult to contain germs and protect vulnerable members of our communities. Please remember that a minor infection for one person can develop into a major sickness for someone else. If you are feeling unwell (ie. have a cough, runny nose, sore throat, chest congestion, fever...), please stay home. For more infomation visit: http://edmonton.anglican.ca/news/not-feeling-well-please-worship-from-home
The Prairie Centre for Ecumenism Presents"Here Comes Nicaea," January 22 and 23, 2025, Online During the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, all are invited to The de Margerie Lectures on January 22 and 23 at 6 pm. The lectures honouring the late, local ecumenist Fr. Bernard de Margerie, are live-streamed and can be accessed remotely here. Guest lecturer Sandra Beardsall, a noted local ecumenist with a global profile, is coordinating the 2025 World Council of Churches' celebration of the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, and will speak about how that event so long ago still calls Christians to visible unity and a sharing of the apostolic faith.