More than 150 people were treated to a relaxing evening of music in the gardens of Christ Church on August 4. The summer concert series...
The parish of St. John’s, Sedgewick welcomed an interdenominational congregation together for Sunday worship at the Iron Creek Museum...
How do we live well on the land? In a five-part podcast series for the 2021 Season of Creation (September 1-October 4), the Rev....
Updated September 13, 2021 The consecration and installation of the Rev. Stephen London as the 11th Bishop of Edmonton will take place...
All are invited to share a video greeting with Bishop-elect Stephen London through the diocese's Dropbox account. You do not need your...
With a fourth wave of the COVID pandemic upon us and with the care of community members of utmost importance, the congregation is...
We often forget that engaging land means engaging urban land, too. What piece of land do you love in your city? What tree has become...
We invite you and interested community members to join us this year in our annual A Common Word Christian/Muslim Dialogue on October...
To help guide us in the way of settler-Indigenous relations, St. Augustine of Canterbury, 6110 Fulton Rd, Edmonton will host a public...
Download the October 2021 edition of The Messenger or view online as a flipbook. Click here to subscribe to The Messenger or to change...
The final episode of season 1 of "The Land Wants Us to Live Differently Here" was recorded throughout the growing season of 2021. The...
Interestingly, we commemorate World Food Day on October 16, near our annual celebration of Thanksgiving. This season, the Edmonton...
We give thanks for all the producers in our diocese who care for the land and the creatures that inhabit it. May all have a blessed and...
All Saints' Cathedral, 10035-103 St, Edmonton, is holding an All Saints' Day Eucharist on Monday, November 1, 12:10 pm. All are welcome...
Download the November 2021 edition of The Messenger or view it online as a flipbook. Click here to subscribe to The Messenger or to...
Bishop Stephen London is pleased to appoint the Rev. Canon Susan Oliver as Archdeacon for Youth, Children and Family Ministries and the...
Join Utopia World Music Band for a Worldwide Memories of Remembrance concert at St. Faith's, 11725-93 Street, Edmonton, on November 11,...
A weekly market offering fresh produce and baking at market prices, as well employment, mentoring and skills-development opportunities,...