"The synod between synods," Executive Council meets approximately 10 times every two years to govern the Diocese of Edmonton.
Executive Council includes the Bishop, the Dean and Archdeacons, the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor (when there is one), the Secretary of Synod, the Executive Officer of the diocese, clergy and lay members elected by Synod to represent the four regions of the diocese, and others appointed by the Bishop.
The current members of the Executive Council are:
The Right Rev. Stephen London, President, Bishop
The Very Rev. Alexandra Meek, VP, Dean of the Diocese of Edmonton
The Ven. Chelsy Bouwman, VP, Archdeacon
The Ven. Jonathan Crane, VP, Archdeacon
The Ven. Travis Enright, VP, Archdeacon
The Ven. Jordan Haynie Ware, VP, Archdeacon
Robert Reynolds, KC, Chancellor
The Rev. John Gee, Secretary-Treasurer
Scott Belamisca, Chair, A&F
Rob Betty, Co-Chair, Social Justice Committee
The Rev. Canon Scott Sharman, Executive Officer
East Deanery:
Mikaela Hanley
Brian Jolly
The Rev. Ruth Sesink Bott
North Deanery:
Cathy Armstrong
The Rev. Jordan Giggey
Emily Stephen-Garneau
West Deanery:
Brian Ault
The Rev. Andreas Sigrist
Bruce Simpson
South Deanery: