To make changes to your parish or ministry personnel list, or if you have any questions or require further information, please contact the Diocesan Safe Church Assistant, RJ Chambers  at 780-439-7344 or by email at

Please review and use the below documents related to security and screening in the diocese.

Edmonton local abuse and other resources include:

  • Child Advocacy Centre: To find a Child Advocacy Centre in Alberta, please visit For those in Edmonton, contact the Zebra Child and Youth Advocacy Centre at 780-421-2385 or visit their website at
  • Domestic Violence Support: For domestic violence issues, please call 211 or text GETHELP to 211. There is also WIN House shelter (780-479-0058) and the Lurana Shelter (780-424-5875) available in Edmonton.
  • Sexual Assault: For those who have experienced or are experiencing sexual violence (including sexual abuse, sexual assault, or sexual harassment), please contact the Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton (SACE) at 780-423-4102 or visit their website at

Alberta provincial abuse resources include:

  • Family Violence: Get help 24/7 by calling or texting the Family Violence Hotline at 310-1818 (chat online here).
  • Child Abuse: For situations involving child abuse, please contact the Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-387-5437 (1-800-387-KIDS)
  • Sexual Violence: For those experiencing sexual violence of any type, please contact the Sexual Violence One Line at 1-866-403-8000 or text at 1-866-403-8000.

The Diocese of Edmonton Safe Church Council is made up of the following members: The Ven. Lee Bezanson, Sarah Kemp, The Rt. Rev. Stephen London (Bishop), The Very Rev. Alexandra Meek, Lynda Phillips, Rob Reynolds (Chancellor), and Ruth Sesink Bott (Safe Church Facilitator).